We believe wishes and dreams come true…learn more by clicking below!

Learn Of Our Passion...

Created by President and Founder Michelle Mouille, after seeing the devastating effects that a severe brain injury rendered upon her son, Maurice…

Our Story Begins Here...

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Maurice Lamkin Jr was born in July of 1999 in San Antonio, TX.  There was no complications at birth and he was a healthy little boy, besides having asthma

His Personal Story...

Mission Statement

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How Your



How did the

Maurice Lamkin Jr.

Brain Injury Foundation

Come About?

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Lamkin, Jr.

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How did the

Maurice Lamkin Jr.

Brain Injury Foundation

Come About?


We inspire to create unforgettable memories and bring about hope, healing, & optimism through our life changing wish granting and other community outreach programs!  

Learn About Wishes and Programs

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